that was awesome! one question... where did you get the thing at the begining of the video that said "Newgrounds, everything by everyone"?
that was awesome! one question... where did you get the thing at the begining of the video that said "Newgrounds, everything by everyone"?
Tom gave it to me. But I think it's somewhere on the site.
this should defenatly be front paged!!
the play botton doesn't work... You should try to fix that....
this should DEFENATLY be front paged!!! no lie! that was HILARIOUS when he jumps from building to building. when he gets stabbed by the ninja in a box. when he gets shot with arrows. ahh!! every part was funny!!! keep up the good work!!!
sick! *votes 5* and one question.... where did u get the sounds?
I know isn't it? Send me a message and ill give you the link for the sounds
i thought it was awesome and like u drew it on each and every page! the art was soo smooth too!
Joined on 10/15/07